I first did this craft for my Little during my sorority's Big/Little Week. For her canvas I put 'VILLANOVA' above the state and 'Alpha Gamma Delta' below it to celebrate our sorority, which you can see here. I loved the canvas so much that I knew I had to make one for myself and share it with all of you! The great thing about this craft is that it can be customized for just about any university, school, town, sorority, and more. It makes an adorable addition to any room and a very cute, unique gift. Read below to find out how to make your own!
-1 11" x 14" canvas
-2 colors of paint
-Print out of a state
-1 piece of sparkle scrapbook paper
-Pink construction paper
-Paint sponge
-Small paint brush
-Paint the canvas using the paint sponge with the color you chose for the background. You may need to do multiple coats to get a completely solid background, I did four coats to achieve the color I wanted. Allow to dry completely.
-Cut out the state you printed out.
-Turn over the sparkle scrapbook paper, so that the sparkles are facing down, and using the state you cut out as a stencil, trace it.
-Cut the state you traced out of the sparkle scrapbook paper.
-Glue the sparkle paper state onto the center of the canvas.
-Using the small paint brush and the second paint color paint the name of the university, town, high school, etc. in capital letters above and below the state you glued on the canvas.
-Cut a small heart out of the pink construction paper.
-Using the Maps App on your phone (or Google Maps online) look up the exact placement of the town within the state that the university, town, high school, etc. you've chosen is in.
-Glue the pink heart onto the state where the town is. Allow to dry.
~Use pictures for reference.
What would you commemorate with this craft?
Make sure to add me on Snapchat - @kthomp22!
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