Monday, July 10, 2017

4 Year Blogiversary & a Giveaway

Oh my gosh you guys I can not believe that it's been 4 years since that fateful day I started my blog!  If you've seen this post then you know that my 4th Blogiversary was actually 2 weeks ago on June 26th, but due to life circumstances I had to postpone and have a belated celebration instead.  I'm actually so glad that I landed up postponing though because that extra time allowed me to give this special occasion the celebration it deserves (and also to plan a pretty kickass giveaway for all of you).

I started my blog 4 years ago on a whim when I was bedridden and recovering from surgery.  I had no idea what I was doing and honestly just started it to give myself something to do while I was stuck in bed.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think this space would become what it has and still be going strong 4 years later.  I also never could've imagined the amazing friends I'd make, all the lessons I'd learn, the countless events I'd attend, the incredible collaborations I'd be able to do, and so much more because of this blog.  However at this point it's even more unimaginable to think of my life without blogging because it is such a big part of my life and one of my favorite things to do.

I am so thankful to everyone who has supported me on this journey for the last 4 years.  Thank you to my amazing followers/readers without you this space wouldn't be here.  Thank you to my friends who are my biggest cheerleaders when it comes to blogging, which means the world to me.  Most of all thank you to my family, the ways you've helped and supported me with my blog have been countless and I can't put into words how much I appreciate you.  You've helped me with every part of blogging from taking pictures, to helping me create recipes, to taking me to and attending events, and doing pretty much any crazy thing I ask of you!  Mom, Dad, and Bridget I hope you know that without you none of this would be possible.

As I enter into my fifth year as a blogger I hope to only be able to expand on everything that has come so far.  I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for me as a blogger and I hope you'll continue to take this journey with me.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

To celebrate The Blush Blonde's 4th Blogiversary we are bringing you a giveaway made for summer.  This giveaway includes a straw handbag, pool floatie, beauty products specially picked for the warm weather, and a gift card to Nordstrom!  Here are all of the goodies you have a chance to win:

Mar Y Sol Tybee Tote- This summery Mar Y Sol handbag is detailed with bright contrast stripes and a strand of pom-poms.

BIGMOUTH INC. Shell Pool Float- If you can't be a mermaid, at least you can lounge like one in this giant pink shell floatie.

$45.00 Nordstrom Gift Card- This is included to buy any other summer essentials you might need!

Sephora Favorites Safe Sun on the FlyA five-piece set of Sephora’s favorite sun care products in convenient travel sizes, featuring sunscreen, moisturizer, lip treatment, and CC cream with SPF—plus a waterproof, reusable bag that’s perfect for your summer adventures.

Fine Print: 
This is open internationally, pending shipping laws/restrictions. You must be 18 or older, or have a parents permission to enter. This giveaway is open for exactly one week. Winner must respond within 48-hours or a new winner will be chosen. Your form of entry will be double-checked.

Good luck!


Today I'm linking up with Hello Monday, #HowISummer, and Weekending.


  1. Happy Blogiversary! Keep pushing through, girl :) I have two chronic illnesses, and I know how hard it can get sometimes.


    Lauren //

  2. I thought I'd give acetyl l carnitine a go after reading about its positive effects on skin health. After only a few weeks, I can already feel the difference. The skin on my body feels tighter and healthier. For someone like myself, who has extremely sensitive skin, it also appears to assist in lowering redness and irritation.


Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Blush Blonde! I love all of your comments and make sure to read each one! xoxo
