My sweet friend Jordyn is taking over today to help me continue celebrating my birthday! Jordyn thank you so much for your wonderful post and kind words!
xoxo Kristin
Hello The Blush Blonde readers! I'm here from The Fairy Princess Diaries with a special birthday message for Kristin. Over the past few years I have been able to get to know Kristin because of blogging. We were excited to discover our birthdays fell within a short time frame in January- obviously meaning our friendship was meant to be.
xoxo Kristin
Hello The Blush Blonde readers! I'm here from The Fairy Princess Diaries with a special birthday message for Kristin. Over the past few years I have been able to get to know Kristin because of blogging. We were excited to discover our birthdays fell within a short time frame in January- obviously meaning our friendship was meant to be.
Kristin celebrated her 25th birthday on Sunday and as a way to continue the celebration all month long I wanted to share a few birthday wishes for Kristin.
Kristin is both creative and kind. Her blog is a source of inspiration and beauty insight for women internationally. Personally, Kristin has grown into more than just a random face I occasionally see on the internet, but rather a real life friend whose dreams I support and who I know I can turn to when I need to talk. I know I speak for many of Kristin's friends when I say she is a loyal and caring woman, we are lucky to call her a friend!
A few Birthday wishes for Kristin's 25th Year:
1. I hope life gives you lots of reasons to pop open a bottle of champagne (even if that reason is just that you happen to have a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator).
2. I hope an occasion calls for a glittery new dress and the opportunity to dance in confetti, give a toast, and hug your bestie close.
3.I hope Blake Lively delivers you homemade cupcakes, but if not I hope you have afternoons and evenings spent baking with Taylor, Karlie and Blake as your blondetourage inspiration.
4. I hope you enjoy lots of trips close to home and around the country (or even the world) with the people closest to you.
5. I hope Coco snuggles you when you need it...
6. And you have solid friends who are there for you when life hands you challenges.
7. I hope you make new friends who bring an extra dose of spontaneity to your life...
8. And I hope the bonds of friendship you have already formed grow deeper and stronger.
9. I wish for your life to be filled with bundles of fresh flowers and pretty trinkets.
10. May your lipstick never stain your teeth...
11. And may your skin glow flawlessly without a single ounce of makeup. #IWokeUpLikeThis
12. I hope you have the opportunity to try lots of new beauty and skincare products on your own and for The Blush Blonde.
13. I hope blogging provides a source of happiness, a place to express yourself creatively and heaps of online friendships and new opportunities.
14. I hope the next year is filled with evenings to cheer on Villanova at lots of basketball games...
15. And a few shopping trips worthy of Blair and Serena in NYC. Here's my advice, when in doubt buy the shoes!
16. I hope you have far more good hair days than bad...
17. And fewer days spent wishing migraines would get lost.
18. I hope 25 is a year filled with lessons and though they might not always be as happy as rainbows and sunshine I hope they continue to help you grow as a woman of courage and character.
19. I hope you meet a handsome stranger who will tell you you're wonderful and make you feel pretty, but if you don't I hope you know how many of us think you're wonderful and pretty already.
20. If you kiss any boys I hope they make you happy and if they don't make you happy I hope you don't waste a single second of your beautiful life fretting over someone so silly.
21. I hope you dream big about grad school or blogging or traveling the world.
22. I hope you do what you can to make your dreams happen and I hope those close to you do everything in their power to support you and help raise you up.
23. May you have lots of opportunities to laugh so hard you get an ab workout...
24. And may you create memories that will make you look back and remember being 25 fondly for years to come.
25. Finally, I hope you radiate the confidence of a Victoria's Secret Angel with the grace of Kate Middleton. 25 is your year girl!
Wishing you more happiness today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow.
Welcome to Tutu Tuesdays a linkup with The Blush Blonde and The Fairy Princess Diaries! Linkup whatever you'd like and make sure to do a little mingling - our goal here is to create a community of bloggers where we can all connect, find new blogs, and support one another. We love new friends, supporting other blogs, and meeting fellow girl bosses!
There are just a few rules we ask you follow to join in on Tutu Tuesdays:
1. Please follow both Jordyn and me, your lovely hosts, on Instagram and/or Bloglovin.
Kristin: The Blush Blonde | Bloglovin' | Instagram
Jordyn: The Fairy Princess Diaries | Bloglovin' | Instagram
2. Link to your specific post, not your blog's main page.
3. Grab our super cute button or share a link to Tutu Tuesdays in the post you are linking up so everyone can know about the party!
4. Have fun and mingle with other bloggers that have linked up! Like I said we want everyone to make new friends!

Happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteI love it when you and Jordyn do this! I've been reading it for a couple years now. :) Happy Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome blogg you have here