Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Get to Know Me

I haven't done any posts about myself in quite some time so I thought today would be the perfect day to take the time to reintroduce myself.  I always love reading posts like this and hope you do too. One of my favorite things about 'blogland' is that it's so big and so small at the same time and in my opinion it's always nice to get to know the person behind the blog.  Without any further ado here is a little more about me...

I started Crumbs & Curls back in 2013 when I was recovering from surgery.  I couldn't move after the surgery and was so bored so I decided to start a blog to give myself something to do.  I had no idea at the time that I would fall in love with blogging, meet so many wonderful people, and have so many great experiences because of this little space.

I am from a small town by the beach in New Jersey.  I have lived in the same area my entire life and only ever moved for the first time last summer (to the town over).  I have one sister named Bridget, and a Maltese named Coco Chanel.  I am also super close with my parents.

I go to Villanova University, which is just outside of Philadelphia.  In August I will be starting my fifth and final year of college.  I was undecided on my major until the end of my sophomore year when I declared a Communications major.  Since I've been at school I've learned a lot about sports (I knew next to nothing about them before college!) and I am a huge fan of our basketball team.

At school I am a founding member of the Lambda Gamma Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta.  Joining a sorority has been one of the best decisions I've made since I've been at college.  I can honestly say that it has changed my life for the better and I have made the most amazing friends through it.  My sister is a member of Alpha Gam at her school and my Mom became an Alpha Gam through a mother initiate program my chapter did.  So we're a whole fam of Alpha Gams!

Now that we've gotten the basics down here are a few facts about me.  I took the questions from a post Leslie did a while back that I thought was so fun!

1. What's your middle name?
My middle name is Anne and my initials are K.A.T., my Mom thought Kat would be a cute nickname I did not.

2. If you could live anywhere else in the world where would you live?

In the US: Southern California, I want that gorgeous weather all the time! Out of the country: Paris, it's always been a dream of mine since I am a bit of a Francophile.

3. Tell us about your guilty pleasures.

Reality TV, Netflix binges, wearing workout clothes when I don't work out (like ever), and s'mores (I eat them way too often). 

4. What do you like best about your job? If you weren't doing that, what career would you have pursued?

I am currently a student and I love school because I am a huge nerd.  I'm one of those people who truly enjoys learning and the first 2 years of school I was undecided because I liked everything and couldn't pick a major.  I finally picked a Communications major and have been very happy ever since, but in an alternate universe (one where I liked science) I would have majored in Biology and gone Pre-Med to be a dermatologist or majored in Chemical Engineering so that I could create cosmetics.

5. Five items you'd grab during a fire. (People and pets don't count. Those are a given.)
-My current purse because it holds my entire life.
-My Louis Vuitton Speedy because I worked my butt off to buy it and really love it.
-Family photos, like the old school ones that aren't digital.
-My 'good' jewelry because each piece has a story behind it and is special to me.
-A vintage leopard belt that was my favorite (and most fashionable!) Great Aunt's, it's a very special piece and so sentimental.

6. Marathon running...something you'd like to pursue or just plain crazy?
I can't tell you how badly I wish I loved or even kind of liked to run, I seriously admire anyone that does because I hate it.  In a dream world running a marathon would be something I would love to pursue, but in real life it's just plain crazy.

7. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Gluten free pasta with red sauce and fresh mozzarella.  Italian food is my absolute favorite and this is a simple yet delicious meal that I am always eating!

8. Last person you spoke to...annnnnd....go!
My Mom.

9. Favorite childhood toy.
Definitely Barbies, although I was weird and didn't really 'play' with them, I loved dressing them up, doing their hair, and posing them.  So basically my Barbie playtime foreshadowed my love of fashion.

10. Breakfast cereal of choice.
I'm not really a cereal person (I like to eat pretzels for breakfast which is weird), but if I am feeling like eating some cereal I do love Peanut Butter Captain Crunch.

If you're not totally sick of me at this point you want to know even more about me here are some old posts that I've written that have a lot of random facts and some other info about me.

Now it's your turn!  Tell me about yourself in the comments below, I would love to get to know you better!

Make sure to add me on Snapchat - @kthomp22!

Today I'm linking up with Random WednesdayWIWWI Feel PrettyWIWWMid Week Muse, and What's Up Wednesday.


  1. Such a cute post, I love the picture of you and Coco! I also had the most difficult time declaring a major (I changed so many times) and finally settled on history just because I was already almost done with the major unintentionally! Consequently I'll be pursuing grad school with a bit more of a career focus but I really loved taking so many classes just because they were interesting to me during undergrad. Yay for having the middle name "Anne" with an "e" of course! (:

  2. What a fun and lovely tag, love getting to know the blogger behind the blog! :)

  3. Loved getting to know you more, and I am right there with you on the reality t.v. guilty pleasure.
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  4. Lots of interesting details. It's always fun to know a little bit more about the blogger. What a great idea to start a blog to pass time while recovering from surgery.
    Dresses & Denim

  5. Great post here! so glad I stumbled upon your blog - I literally was just visiting Villanova for work two weeks ago- what a beautiful campus! I hope you do some "at school" posts, I love that campus so much! And I am with you on the running thing - to those who run, I applaud you!

    Clare | Understated Classics

  6. Coco Chanel is such a cutie. Binge watching Netflix is a guilty pleasure of mine as well, more like a hobby by now. :]

    // ▲ ▲

  7. Thanks for sharing. I like these types of posts every once in a while. Glad to know a little about you even as a new reader. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  8. Loved learning a little about you! I was definitely a Barbie girl too!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  9. Such a cool post! I have might to borrow this for my own blog ;) I keep seeing s'mores pop up all over the blogosphere and it is giving me mad cravings! They are too good for their own good haha.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Blush Blonde! I love all of your comments and make sure to read each one! xoxo
